Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week 1 back OP

So I did sign back up for etools this week and my typical WI day is monday so I figured today would be a good time to update since tomorrow will technically be week two.

First of all I must say I feel awesome becuase I have exercised 5 days this week... tonight I plan on getting an hour walk with with my cousin and my dog will come along.(so today would be day 6 of exercise). If I get my full one hour walk in I will have earned... THIRTY... thats right 30 activity points this week!! I am so proud of myself!!

I havent really sat down to figure out any sort of schedule this time around ive just been doing the activity. I think that I may just do a little something every single day for now but I know taking time to rest is important... I just dont want one day to turn into two to turn into three where I am just starting out! (I am out of shape but not so out of shape that I cannot walk for an hour a day)

Exciting thing number 2 is that my tae bo dvd is at my cousins house and since I am home I can pick it up and give that another try. The last time I tried it I was 235 and way too out of shape to do even 10 mins... so I think I might give it a go now that I am over 50 pounds lighter and a little more active than I was to begin with.

Thirdly, I am going at the plan as if I didnt know anything this time around, I check all my points values before I even start to prepare my meal and really think about if I am willing to use x amoutn of points on a particular thing. Its been helpful for keeping me OP.

So thats all for now, from the looks of my body the exercise is paying off but I wont know number wise how much weight ive lost till I get back to my scale (i refuse to WI on somebody elses!)

1 comment:

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