Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy News

So last friday I applied for a few jobs. One was a car dealership and the main reason I applied to it was because I knew where it was LMFAO I am not familiar with the north or east end of the city so I stuck to what I did know. They called me back on monday, asked for an interview with me on tuesday. I went in, got the job and started my first shift on tuesday afternoon! How cool is that?

I worked tues-fri this week... and so far i love my job, im already trained adn get to work on monday morning all by myself *ooo scary!!* haha. I actually did the majority of the work yesterday by myself anyway ( I was left to tend to the desk for like 5 hours by myself so clearly they trust that I can handle the job haha)

But overall it should be a good gig, the latest I would work (on evning shifts) is 9pm. Week one is days, week two is nights and I rotate back and forth, every second weekend I get a long weekend (the week I work days I finish on thursday and dont have to go back till monday at noon!)And there is also potential for me to move up with the company, which is really awesome because who wants a dead end job!

I took a sneak peek at the scale and it shows me as down 3.5 pounds this week, so hopefully on monday I will still be seeing the same number (or lower!)

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