Saturday, February 9, 2008

Everything in my life is BROKEN today!!

Oh boy, I had a great day today.

Firstly it snows all night and then the wind picked up so it was -29 with a windchill of who knows what (it felt like a -35 day to me!) So I dont know whether its a good idea or not to drive home... I went anyway it was fine, however I misplaced my mittens so it was DAMN cold for a while!

Fast forward to home. I get out the car and I brought my laundry to work last night so I had to unload that too. I struggle with these two huge bags but I get them into the house! I decide to bring the laundry downstairs then get duke to let him out to pee. Since this is me we are talking about go figure something is bound to go horribly wrong! I grab the bags ... one in front of me one behind me and I get to the stairs, which are somewhat narrow but I have seen worse! 2 people cannot walk side by side up them! There is no railing and the entire right hand side is entirely exposed (no wall or rail or anything). So I get about 8 steps from the bottom and the bag of laundry, whcih just happened to be the heaviest one, decidest that its going to slide by the edge where there is no wall then fall over said edge...

Lets do a little mental addition

Candace + Stairs + loss of balance = ouch. Thats right the bag pulled me to the right and i tripped when I tried to balance myself out so I fell down the stairs. At the bottom I get up and tripped over my own two feet and managed to somehow "land" on my big toe... I bent it over on itself and it hurt sooooo bad!!! I almost passed out (I have a shitty pain tolerance level, a really bad charlie horse can make me pass out... this was sooo bad) So I am rolling around on the floor holding my toe then I get to that point where I was blacking out so i rolled on my side and just breathed and I pulled myself out of it. After I realize that im ok and nothing is broken and I havent passed out I crack up laughing at myself. At this point I stand up and duke comes flying at me out of nowhere so clearly BFF woke up and opened the bedroom door. He got dressed after he heard the "crash bang boom OUCH" to come see if I was ok. I could barely walk on my right foot just because of my fresh injury hurting really bad but I went on with my day. After I got up the top of my foot has a bruise about the size of a toonie on it... but oddly my toe hurts inb the first joint, its bruised on top of my foot at the second joint so dont ask me how I did that! But yes It still hurts.

Fast forward again to when I wake up and figure out what to make for supper. I get my recipe out ask BFF if he would like it we agree that it would be a yummy change, I make my grocery list then head out the door. Get into my car, it wont start.. tried 2 times, go into the house yell to BFF for the keys to the truck (i was just going to run to the store in his truck then come home and deal with my car afterwards cus I was very hungry) He puts on his jacket to come help me, he asked to hear the noise my car made trying to start, I turn the key BAM it starts (go figure) fine, we let it run cus it was freezing out and for some reason my entire engine, battery ... everything under the hood was completely covered in snow?!?!
We go together to the store, come back, I turn off the car and go in the house.

Fast forward to 10pm. I get up from my nap shower pack my bag etc, 10 oclock is later than I usually leave but I slept in a bit, so I head out the door and get in the car, no lights no movement no noise... I go back in the house and tell BFF. He comes to take a look thinking I have a battery cable loose... it is dark and freezing out... he said he would fix it in the morning, he drove me to work. May I remind you its 58 kms each way and he has to come get me in the morning so thats 200+ KMS just for driving me to work and picking me up... I have 2 more nights this week.

Even worse... if my car needs to go to a mechanic:
2) He goes back to work 700kms away from home on TUESDAY :S
3) I would have no way to get to work until I could get my car back
Hopefully its just my battery but its fairly new... who knows... I hope he can fix it tomororw.

OH and thirdly the other thing broken in my life. My poor puppy must have had sympathy pains for mommy today becuase he hurt his leg today too... hes limping a little but it is probably from slipping on ice, if hes still doing it tomorrow I will call the vet but he will probably sleep it off (maybe just tender!)

I still cant believe I fell down the stairs haha

PS I havent had Pop of any kind for 40 days, Im adding a ticker to the side of my blog to track... my short term goal is 1 year no pop bah


sltrask said...

OMG!!! This is why i love you so much lol. I can soooooooooooo see this whole thing happening lmao! Poor candace! miss you muchly! MUAH

sltrask said...

OMG!!! This is why i love you so much lol. I can soooooooooooo see this whole thing happening lmao! Poor candace! miss you muchly! MUAH