Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boring day part 2

Holy smokes, I am so incredibly bored this weekend. It doesnt help that it is super gloomy outside (supposed to rain this afternoon) so I also feel like eating because of that.

Baby L's grammy and grampy dropped by to see him today so I got to visit with Mr. Dukie Dukes. I miss him so much!

I dont really have much to talk about today because I am just so bored but if everything goes well I will be heading to see one of my BFF's this evening. Havent seen her since last april!

Here's the menu:
1 Chocolate Chip All Bran Bar (2pts)
Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry with Rice (5pts)
1 Chocolate Chip All Bran Bar (2pts)
Boiled dinner (5pts)
with 3 L's of water because it was so salty, but I ate mostly vegetables!

So my day is looking pretty pitiful food wise. You may have noticed that I desperately need groceries which I plan on getting tomorrow if my monkey man feels up to it!

AP's, well its gross outside today, hasnt rained but I do not want to be out of the house so its exercise dvd's tonight after the baby goes to sleep. I will do at least an hour (approx 4 ap's) and if I am being really ambitious an hour and a half for the 6 AP's I try to earn everyday. Since WI day ive done 4.5 hours of activity!! How awesome is that?

I find this go with Weight Watchers I have been looking at exercise less and less as a chore and more and more as "so long as you are out moving your body, you will lose weight". I dont know why it was such a hassle before but I make sure to move my body in some way shape or form every single day on purpose! It is definitely paying off because its becoming a good habit and my body just does not want to let go of the weight unless I am physically active!

Thats it for now, hopefully tomorrow is more exciting!

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