Thursday, September 24, 2009

Time to play catch up

Ok so here's the deal. I havent posted in over a year and I am going to do a 20 second "catch everybody up to speed" run down on my life.

  • I got pregnant last september
  • Gained back all my weight during pregnancy (highest weight while pregnant was 239lbs)
  • Had the baby (It's a boy!! 7lbs14oz)
  • Waited until baby L was 5 weeks old to start trying to lose weight
  • Started weight watchers (again) 8 weeks ago at 213.5lbs
  • Loss to date 13.5 lbs (as of Wednesday September 23)

So in an effort to keep myself going as well as trying to be supportive to a friend who is also trying to lose weight I decided to start up with my blog again. It always used to help keep me motivated so heres hoping it will this time as well.

The good news about being back on weight watchers is that now because I have my son I find I push myself a lot harder to stay on track because I am now a role model!(Scary!) I want to give him the best start in life and teach him good healthy habits from the get go. So in order to be the best mommy that I can be I am being/becoming the healthiest mommy I can be.

So here is the plan: I want to try to update my blog daily. For the sake of my friend I might post what I am eating everyday ... it might help throw out some meal ideas and if anybody will still be reading this thing it helps keep me accountable. I also will post what ive done for activity. One thing that is a fact of life for me is that especially since I have had a baby I MUST move my body every single day or the weight will not budge. I find now more than ever my body is fighting me most of the way because it is going through such a huge change trying to adjust to having just had a baby. However I am working my ass off to make sure I am doing my absolute best. From the looks of things I cant be doing too bad becuase I feel almost 14 pounds in 8 weeks is excellent!

So here is what I had today:
Breakfast :
Protein shake (5 pts)
Lunch :
Protein shake (5pts)
1 fat free Activia yogurt (2 pts)
Pita Pizza with chicken, veggies and feta cheese (8pts)
2 cups raw veggies(0pts)

I am allowed to have 24 points a day but today I only had 20. I know a lot of people freak out a bit when they hear that I am having protein shakes but it is helping me to get my milk products in. I try really hard to stick to the 8 good health guidelines so this is one way to do so for me. I dont do this all the time but it helps mix it up. I also take a supplement as well as salmon oil pills (I am hoping the oil will help my terribly dry skin!)

For activity I did 25 minutes of strength training this morning and 60 mins of cardio after supper for a total of 6 AP! I also guzzled down my 3 liters of water today :)

The last thing im going to report on today is that I gave up drinking soda (again, thought I had it kicked last time I gave it up but started up again) the day that I started weight watchers. So today is day 58 without it. I honestly dont think I will have it again because it is something I dont want L to have. When he starts eating real food I am the one who has to bring it into the house so if I set the example I am hoping he will follow my good example as he grows older :) If not at least I will know I did my best!

Thats it for now!

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